Modeling and code generation for safety critical systems

The design and implementation of embedded safety (multicore) systems is highly challenging without good tool and methodology support, especially for small and medium sized development teams. Safety artifacts like hazard and risks analysis, specifications of safety functions and architectural solutions typically are realized as individual documents without a common repository, making the maintenance hard and … Read more

Modeling and Assessment of Safety Critical Systems

With growing complexity of embedded controllers and applications, the design of safety critical systems becomes more and more challenging. Tools and frameworks help to manage such challenges but are often pricy and cover only certain aspects of the overall design or implementation workflow. In previous publications, we introduced a lightweight runtime environment and discussed concepts … Read more

About RGB565 and how to convert into it

Surprisingly, my small RGB565 color picker appears to be the most popular page on this website. Time to dig a little deeper into the topic of RGB565 and its generation/conversion. The theory behind digital colors: Digital images consist out of pixels (big news huh?). If we want to store or transmit an image, we have … Read more

WebSockets on the ESP32

Sending data between an embedded device and something like an PC sometime can be frustrating. Usually communication standards like UART/RS232 are used to establish an easy to use connection, while other standards like USB are difficult to handle and tend to be very complicated. I was playing with the ESP32 and wrote a basic WebSocket server. … Read more

A CAN driver for the ESP32

Last year I ordered an ESP32, a chip that got quiet a lot of attention because it is small, affordable and comes with a free SDK. I worked with the predecessor, the ESP8266 and I think that the ESP32 is way easier to use and the SDK (called ESP-IDF) is much more powerful compared with the ESP8266. Time to get … Read more

🇩🇪 Warp3 auf allen Kernen

Multicore Mikrocontroller bringen aufgrund ihrer Komplexität besondere Herausforderungen, wie die Inter-Core Kommunikation und den Schutz von Ressourcen vor unerlaubtem Zugriff mit sich. Zudem ist die Parametrisierung und Nutzung immer leistungsfähigerer und umfangreicherer Peripherie komplex und fordert den Anwender somit zusätzlich. Die Programmierung von Multicore Mikrocontrollern stellt Entwickler vor eine große Herausforderung. „Für die Umstellung auf … Read more

Multicore microcontroller programming

Since the 70’s, Moores Law was the driving force behind the increase of computing power. As we know, we start to reach the physical limitations of downscaling, which made higher frequencies possible but also lead to higher leakage currents and therefore power consumption and heat. As squeezing a lot more GHz out of the circuits … Read more